Using Hugo

After the experience with tag pages, I finally had some motivation to try another static site generator - Hugo. I chose Hugo because it’s One of the post popular options Written in Go - a language I’ve been trying to work with more Unboxing I followed the quick start page and used HomeBrew to install Hugo as a binary, then installed the PaperMod theme after taking a look at the gallery of options. With that, I was off and running with a site that ...

February 3, 2021 · Thomas Ruggeri

Static Sites

I’ve been wanting to get this developer blog going for a while. Lots of things get in the way, work, home life, pets, family, other side projects. But I’m happy to make this first post! Why do I call this a developer blog? I make the distinction because posts here will focus on developer, software engineering topics. It’s meant to remove the burden of doing a full or Medium post that may require more time and research. This is meant to be more fast, rough and just for the knowledge. ...

December 19, 2019 · Thomas Ruggeri