Wait, wasn’t the last post about Vue? How have we switched to Svelte already?!? Let me explain.

Svelte is a fantastic front-end component library developed originally by Rich Harris of the New York Times. It doesn’t have the widespread popularity that Vue, React and Angular have, but it is growing in notoriety, especially since the release of version 3 in 2019. In my limited world view (of the front-end), it stands out because it has always focused on pre-compilation to provide a … svelte … javascript file rather than including a “run-time” library of javascript code that manipulates the virtual DOM. This is a feature that has since been developed into many frameworks/libraries, but it is what makes Svelte unique.

Coming back to this blog, why would I work to include another component library? Simply put, this isn’t a webapp, it’s a playground for me to explore and try things. This means that sometimes I may want to play with Vue, but other times, like today, I want to play with Svelte. And with that, let’s re-create the hello world component.

Note that the below script is no longer enabled

How does this (very) simple component compare between Vue and Svelte? Let’s take a quick look at the two components without style.


  <section class="box">
    <div style="text-align: center;">
      <div><button v-on:click="show = !show">Hello</button></div>
      <transition name="fade">
        <p v-if="show" style="text-align: center;">World</p>

export default {
  name: 'HelloWorld',
  data() {
    return {
      show: false


  import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';

  let show = false;

<section class="box">
  <div style="text-align: center;">
    <div><button on:click={() => { show = !show; }}>Hello</button></div>
    {#if show === true}
      <p transition:fade="{\{delay: 250, duration: 300}\}" style="text-align: center;">World</p>

You can see a very similar syntax for such simple components. Each have an “if” directive and a simple way to create click handlers. The transition fade is also very easy to add right in the markup.

What I learned

I had to re-learn the syntax for Svelte components and got to play with Webpack config even more to create multiple outputs.

What comes next

I have a few small ideas to play with some css tricks to make some interactive components for the front page.